Why Web Design Is Evolving?

Trends, preferences and technological change evolve over time. When we begin to think about the end of 2016, our team of B2B network design sit and evaluate the past few months we have seen, design and analysis of how to develop over the year to network. So what is driving these changes and trends in network design?

First, when it comes to the website designing, the market is completely saturated. Most B2C and B2B companies know that they must have a website to compete, and found that, in order to compete and succeed, they have to find ways to differentiate themselves.

This second reason behind the evolution of our lives has become so busy around. People do not have time for an in-depth assessment of 3-4 potential partners or companies. Instead, they should be within a few seconds in the company to make quick judgments. Remove all the clutter from the contents of the website design, so that potential customers get the necessary data in the shortest possible time. Creating powerful website designs in a short period of time is a catalyst for these trends and changes.


Popular trends fade away

As we discussed how to develop website design in 2016, we also have to address the problem that it went away. Last year all topical issues of features and practices can quickly disappear. These are web designs where some trends are disappearing.

Pages of Intensive Content

The key aspect of SEO is content pages and content intensive. Having a large number of pages of intensive website design is a way out. This does not mean that the web design is outside the written content, which has just been transferred from the 1,000 word page to a shorter, less cluttered page.

Only the Design

Some affordable logo design & web designers obsessed with winning prizes. While winning prizes for your design work is very good, but the most important thing is to reach the destination site. We can say that we are pleased to see unnecessary web design elements began to disappear from the current website design. Unnecessary website designs have no place on most sites, especially on B2B websites, looking to generate leads and build relationships.

Slide the hero image

It used to be all the rage to slip features like the heroic image of B2C and B2B websites. However, the slideshow hero image is becoming increasingly unpopular, since the user has to scroll website for more information. With the trend from the point of the hero image to slide away, web designers are using a strong image and only one or two lines of text to replace them. Simple. Clean. Direct.

It should be noted, it will not completely disappear from the slide in Web Page Design. On the contrary, the slider is looking for a new place in the home or inside the pages. We have seen a great use of the slides, which is used to display customer testimonials or even a gallery of products.




If there is a general trend in website designing we see in Web design in 2016, it can be summed up as “simplified“. Simplify messaging, image, navigation, layout, and user experience. This is a simplification (to get it?), but certainly an important driver in the web design industry right now.